Tuesday, April 30, 2013



Love is such a tornado!
It is such a storm
It takes away the power
of every life form
Everyone in love is crazed
and dazed because it’s dazzling and charming

Love makes it “difficult”
But yet! It’s all easy in love
Difficulty is its way of earning
It assassinates the nature
of the heart
With love, no clock nor anti-clock wise
running; because it agitates not in conclusion.

Look at these visions,
These love-sick souls
These smoking coals!
Look at the follies of love
The woes of my heart
Having glimpsed you,
It’s like a magical spell
What can I say? So spectacular!
The heart is but a
traveller and you are the
Oasis it seeks
The heart is only but a
canoe and you are its
Bank with mystique
Oh! What then can the heart
desire, if it has you?

My heart is a lonely and
longing palace, but lovely
Oh come! I need your light
and sparkly cheers
But so love varies!
And has the power to destroy

No halter! It is its own
limitation, but frees one like
the skies in the land and jungles
of  love; like millions of dream each day
Lucky are those who get lost
For love has shown them the way
Yes! My heart is going insane but
You are its only balm
Why is my heart all aflutter?
Tell me, what is the matter?
Let your perfume waft
over and find me
Let your hair rain their
dark clouds over me for
I shall strengthen ahead to my destiny.


Thursday, April 4, 2013


by Anita Cleopatra Ethan

Anita Cleopatra Ethan
May be you have been in many serious relationship, but for some unknown reason, you realize that you have never been able to close the main deal. You have shifted blames, asked yourself questions, pleaded and even cried but to no avail, now you have concluded that the world we live in is a crazy mixed up world especially as it concerns relationships.
          There are expectations that we all have when starting a new relationship. Most of these expectations are selfish, unknowingly to us. At first you try to live your dating life like in the movies where everything is rosy almost all the time. But as time passes by and the reality of dating hit you, you realize that you are not getting what you thought you would be getting from the relationship. At this point, you start to analyze things from different angles, especially negatively. You start to think that your spouse is changing in character, or the love you once had is diminishing. But surprisingly to your hearing I have discovered that you and your spouse failed to follow the laws of relationship.
          In other words, there are laws of dating, just as there are laws of nature, laws of gravity and laws of science. I realized that if you and your spouse had kept to this laws/commandment, your relationship would’ve lasted for eternity.
          Some things just don’t change, in order for you to get the best outcome; they’ll have to remain the same.
          You will quite agree with me that there is something about love and attraction that is difficult to explain, and also that we cannot reduce the success of a relationship to mere logic. But, there is a disturbing relationship trend among youths in our society. They leave everything to fate, instead of realizing that the success of anything doesn’t come easy.
          To begin with, if you invest all your energy and especially all your self-esteem into a relationship, you wouldn’t have a life. For you to have a successful relationship, you must “get a life”. Do not ever put yourself in a position whereby your entire self-worth is wrapped up in someone else. When you do this, you have put your career, interest, friends and even your relationship with God on hold. This person becomes your life, so without your sweet heart you’ll have no life.
          When you have a life, you wouldn’t need a date or relationship to make you feel good about yourself. People with life bring so much energy and positivism to their relationship, and do not depend on their spouse for all their emotional needs. When you don’t have a life, you’ll drain your dating partner and slowly frustrate him/her.
          Get grounded in something, become goal oriented, and start giving more love than demanding. Also, it is imperative to know that we should use our brains. Infatuation is not love, what account would you give, when it’s almost too late and you realize that you’re in a relationship driven by raw emotions. The key to avoiding this is to using your head in the matters of the heart. I know that in our today society, we are confused about love. But let’s face it, romantic love has little or nothing in fact to do with real love.
          Romantic love is that initial attraction, excitement, allure, mystery, passion and obsession. But real love on the other hand is about two people who are enduring, caring about each other’s welfare and providing a scene of security. Romantic love is an official sponsor of madness and thus cannot bear the weight of life’s stresses.
          Not to get it wrong, I love and think romance is normal and can be healthy to energy relationship. As a matter of fact, that puppy love stage is actually sweet. But we should not allow it to dominate or be the foundation of the relationship, in using your brain, you must balance your head and your heart, restore in from physical intimacy (do not answer to your hormones, analyze your past relationships, evaluate issues every time they occur).
          Another truth also to take note of is that of the illusion of “opposite attracts”. It is true that opposites do attract but also true that because they are not the same, they can never team up to withstand life’s difficulties. Most healthy relationships are the ones in which the partners have lots of a similarities. It is very wrong for you to be drawn to an emotionally sick and dying person with the excuse that you have enough love for the both of you. It is almost always wrong for you to give all yourself to someone who does have even felt little of the feelings that you have for them. In this case you began to play the mother Theresa role .Whereby it becomes your duty to nurse the emotionally sick person back to life. These emotionally sick persons could be drug addicts, alcoholics or sex addicts. They are not answerable to God, have no love for their partners. Their hearts lies with the addiction. You are supposed to be a partner in a relationship not a missionary, surrogate parent, nurse, nor a shrink. So move on.
          Love is not running, busy or tired. It does not have an expiry date, neither is it getting old and weary; so slow down! What is it that compels people to rush things? Take it slow and get to know each other.
          You do not get to know a person within a short period of time. You need time to get along. Time to know likes and dislikes interests, short-term and long term goals.
          With marriages crashing up all over the place, wouldn’t you want to reduce the risk of yours ending up same? It is very necessary then that you know your partner very well. If you think you can know, a person’s true colors in three to six month then you’re either psychic or psycho. People pretend, but if you give it enough time, you will know exactly who a person is. Not taking things slow means you are simply applying the formula for shorter pleasure and long term pain. When you take time to know your spouse, it helps the both of you define your boundaries. Defining your boundaries means stating clearly your preferences, likes, dislikes, “do’s and don’ts”, what you can tolerate and what you can’t. You do this in order not to let the other person run over you, and also not to keep hurting each other.
Setting your boundaries and taking it slow also works. If you know your spouse well enough, you’ll also know what upsets him or her. Thus, you’ll know at what point to draw the line.
          There are so many ways in which you think your partner’s crossing his boundaries. One of which is ensuring that your yes is yes and your no is no, a solid and rigid well defined point of view of yours in a given issue will help your partner understand that, he/she has reached the line. Setting boundaries might seem as if you are shutting your partner up, but it is not so. If you maturely communicate it to your partner, there will be no room for misunderstanding to arise. In setting your boundaries, you must make it clear that you are not building a wall to isolate or keep your spouse out, you are only setting perimeters for your own safety. Also note that setting boundaries means you have to take responsibility for yourself, your thoughts, your emotions and your actions. Your spouse might make it appear that he/she is responsible for you. It’s a lie, with time he/she will become frustrated and drained. He or she will begin to see your needs as a burden. It is necessary to take responsibility of yourself without ignoring your partners feeling.
          I oppose to the saying that boundaries are controlling and manipulative. They are ferrate lines that liberate you from being controlled and manipulated by your spouse. They are a means through which your choices can be respected. Love doesn't just happen, it is a personal decision we make subconsciously, if you have chosen to love someone and you want to enjoy that love in return, you must choose also to think and act logically.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ready to Go

Here are Sneak pix of the soon to be distributed Newspaper

The Front Cover
The Back Page
Centre Spread Carrying the Class pix and a Tribute article written by our Managing Editor

The Class Pix for your Pleasure

 The Newspaper will be in Tabloid size (A3) and will be printed on the best paper quality to ensure durability. it is definitely going to be a first of it kind. indeed we are pacesetters. Hope you all will enjoy it when it hits the Stands.